South Park Big Bang

We Need Some Light

art by ubuuu

inspired by the fic We Need Some Light
written by cuchinta

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Kenny is fixed on the razor firmly gripped in Stan's hand; the blades are tiny little things, barely grazing the skin of Stan's neck, but Kenny swears there is a knowingly eerie glint to those blades, as if they are the teeth of a monster about to tear into its victim. Said victim looks back at Kenny with a strange calmness. The razor is still set on his neck with full conviction, as if challenging Kenny: Stop me. I dare you.
Kenny smirks. He's always been a fan of challenges. He looks at Stan with a sort of malice in his eyes. All American good looks. Football star. Typical. The pussy. Suicide? He could entertain the notion, but Kenny knows he wouldn't dare. Kenny continued, "Get it? 'Not gonna cut it'?" and smoothly glides across the mess of Stan's floor to join Stan at the mirror. "It's a joke. A pun. Remember those? Everyone in South Park loves a good joke."

- excerpt from We Need Some Light

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