Fiction Index
South Park Reverse Mini-Bang 2013 Fanfics

by Nilvisk - inspired by original art from ArvyBeta: Vallewida Deaurneax
It's been five years since Wendy's father left and never returned, and her life took a wrong and unexpected turn. Now, she is weak and alone; a broken version of the girl she once was. Is it too late for her to reclaim her lost spark?
Character(s): Wendy, Stan, Kenny
Rating: M / R
Warnings: Domestic violence, arson, alcohol, implied accidental drug use
See the original art here!
Brack Friday Bunduru
by fallingwthstyle - inspired by original art from ScottBeta: howtodisappearcompletely
What might have happened if the story arc that began with "Black Friday" and "A Song of Ass and Fire" had ended a little differently. I took a few liberties with the, ah, shape of the pendant the President of Sony Corporation presented to Princess Kenny.
Character(s): Cartman, Kenny
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Major character death, minor violence, language, absurdity, and spoilers for episodes 17.07 and 08.
See the original art here!
by 24601 - inspired by original art from KayoticsBeta: Ukaisha
With her husband's mental state deteriorating, Sheila files for divorce. At first, it seems this won't affect Kyle a great deal. But it seems to.
Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle, Kenny/Kyle
Character(s): Kyle, Ike
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Violence
See the original art here!
Field Trip
by 24601 - inspired by original art from SamaraBeta: Ukaisha
The eleventh grade go on a history field trip to the last place Craig ever wants to go to. When there, a certain fatass tries to use him for amusement — and Craig just can't keep his rage in.
Pairing(s): Craig/Kenny, Stan/Wendy
Character(s): Craig, Cartman, Kenny
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Non-explicit sex
See the original art here!
by Extra - inspired by original art from cookieyumsterBeta: Effingbirds
Everybody needs a friend they can piss next to in the middle of the night while surrounded by forest on all sides. Right?
Pairing(s): Wendy/Bebe
Character(s): Wendy, Bebe
Rating: PG-13 / T
See the original art here!
by 24601 - inspired by original art from Blood-Self-StarBeta: Ukaisha
Finding one person who can complete you emotionally and physically is tough. Having one for each, as Kenny has found out, might actually be tougher.
Pairing(s): Craig/Kenny, Kenny/Kyle
Character(s): Craig, Kyle, Kenny
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Death (though it is Kenny); edges into sexual territory
See the original art here!
by TexasCutie93 - inspired by original art from MecBeta: Elizabeth
On a rare hot day, what can the boys do to have some fun?
Pairing(s): Kenny/Butters
Character(s): Kenny, Butters, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Craig, Tweek
Rating: PG-13 / T
See the original art here!
Light Beats Dark
by Rosie Denn - inspired by original art from NowhereBeta: julads
The world is ending, and we've got to save it. Oh, and don't mind the tentacles.
Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Craig
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Character death
See the original art here!
by Hollycomb - inspired by original art from paramécieBeta: julads
In April of 1946, a small group of paleontologists and students from the University of Colorado are excavating a dinosaur skeleton. Stan tags along with his father and sulks about Kyle's interest in the paleontologist who is leading the dig.
Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle
Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Randy
Rating: PG-13 / T
See the original art here!
One Hundred Percent Coriander Free
by feygele - inspired by original art from wormsignBeta: Rando
Kenny didn't particularly want to learn the secrets of Loogie's proprietary marinara sauce, but somehow they were thrust upon him anyway.
Pairing(s): Kenny/Loogie, Butters/Kenny, Butters/OFC
Character(s): Kenny, Butters, Loogie, Token, Clyde
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Violence, characters in mortal peril
See the original art here!
by Jizena - inspired by original art from pachydermataBeta: Rosie Denn
At a bout in Boulder, Kyle starts to work through his unease of Stan's sometimes violent involvement in roller derby.
Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle
Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Nichole, Token, Wendy
Rating: PG-13 / T
ee the original art here!
Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors
by Ukaisha - inspired by original art from NhaingenBeta: 24601
When you're trapped in a nightmare and you can't seem to wake up, at least you know you aren't going to die. You never die in dreams.
Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle, Rebecca Cotswald/Stan
Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Eric, Kenny
Rating: NC-17 / M
Warnings: Explicit gore, tentacle rape, crude language, character death
See the original art here!
Teen Movie
by Deanon - inspired by original art from NilviskBeta: Kayotics
Bros before hos, or something like that.
Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle, Rebecca Cotswald/Stan
Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Rebecca Cotswald, Bebe, Kenny, Cartman
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Unhealthy ideas about sex, swearing, some implied homophobia
See the original art here!
The Rains Always Follow
by tinycub - inspired by original art from NollyBeta: V. Chcek
Several days in the saga that is Stan and Kyle traveling internationally. There is a French camel, a multitude of unnecessary Game of Thrones references, and a love story that isn't really about love at all.
Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle
Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Pierre the camel
Rating: R / M
See the original art here!
by belle212 - inspired by original art from EffingbirdsBeta: labyrinth1n3
Gregory and Christophe attempt to take down their ultimate enemy via weaponry, foxes, and cigarettes.
Pairings: Gregory/Christophe
Rating: PG-13 / T
Warnings: Mentions of violence
See the original art here!