Note: To contact participants via e-mail, delete the spaces and replace "punkt" with a full stop and "at" with @.

*These artists took on multiple assignments (original and/or pinch hits).

Alcorion | |
alpha_hydra | |
Athena | |
azul_bleu | |
Bets | |
Blinkidybah | |
Chasing Rabbits | @tumblr |
Coshie (Kalia) | |
CreekBunnyStyle | |
Druekee | | @livejournal | @tumblr |
foxxcub | |
fracturates | |
Frostfyre | |
Genis Aurion | |
Heather (slantways) | @AO3 |
Hlessirah | |
Holly | @livejournal |
Ila | |
Jesse | |
Jizena | |
Kei | |
Lovova | |
LukasAngelis | |
Maddy A. | |
Marie-Pierre | |
Mayflower | @deviantArt | |
Mewtow | @deviantArt | |
mutantpaperclip | |
Natalie | |
Peeve-danna | |
princessbelle212 | @tumblr |
Rachel | |
romanclee | | @tumblr |
Rosie Denn | |
Roxas Destati | | @tumblr |
salad-tier | |
SekritOMG | |
Shleebee | @tumblr |
Sifl-senpai | @deviantArt | | @tumblr |
sk8trbabe93 | |
slimshake | |
theothergreyson | |
theshadowswhisper | |
Tiffani-Amber | | @fictionpress |
Tiggeryumyum | |
Toma | @AO3 |
Worldismyne | @deviantArt | | @livejournal |
w0rmsign | |
Yeahhaey |