Note: To contact participants via e-mail, delete the spaces and replace "punkt" with a full stop and "at" with @.

Arvy | @deviantArt | @tumblr |
Akala Alieas | websites |
Alex Vantas | websites |
Dani | websites |
Demi | websites |
emeraldtree | @blogspot | @tumblr |
Hausinge | @deviantArt | @livejournal | @tumblr |
Kayotics | @deviantArt | @tumblr |
kennymcshamrock | @tumblr |
Marie | @tumblr |
Marskels | @tumblr |
melonami | websites |
nat | websites |
Palliris | @Google+ |
Sakata | @tumblr |
v4nillah | @tumblr |
Veail | websites |
Z04 | @twitter | @tumblr |

charlie |
fallingwthstyle |
Foxifly |
home-of-ate |
isavuu |
Jesse |
Jizena |
kennymcshamrock |
Lalondes |
Lemon Cream |
Max |
Mortegami |
Natea |
NCC 24601 |
nikrose |
rensrenegade |
Sue |
tegeirian |
vvaka |
Vulgare |
Wood Dog |