South Park Big Bang 2014 Fanfics

- Avenging Angels
- by theshadowswhisper - art by 3moartist, LaW, Marie, and z04
- Summary: After a series of unfortunate accidents and run-ins, Mysterion meets a mysterious female vigilante (Wendy). She just might be the crime-fighting partner to complete him (if she doesn't kill him first). Kenny must choose between the thrill-ride of vigilante work, and protecting the ones he loves from the consequences of his actions. Meanwhile, Karen finds love in controversial places, and Kyle wishes he had less in common with Mary Jane.
- Betas: kyleisgod, Mousynona
- Pairing(s): Kenny/Kyle
- Character(s): Kenny, Wendy, Kyle, Cartman, Karen McCormick, Scott Tenorman, Butters, Stan, Bebe
- Rating: NC-17 / M
- Warnings: Deals with dub-con themes, such as statutory, and inebriated-past-decision-making-capacity preying (implicit references; nothing graphic/explicit); abortion (again, implication and references, nothing graphic/explicit); and QUITE A LOT OF graphic and explicit action/violence. Character deaths.
- A Watery Hole in the Ground
- by 24601 - art by Arvy, Clyde Joseph, and Hausinge
- Summary: World War One. Kenny McCormick, who has signed up to the British Army as an escape from his life as an orphan, now effectively lives in a small dugout on the front line in the north of France with his friend Butters and four other men. All there is to do is to watch the German line and wait for orders to come through. But when orders finally come, Kenny finds himself wishing to have those dull days back.
- Beta: Ukaisha
- Character(s): Kenny, Butters, Craig, Kyle, Stan, Clyde
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- By a Thread
- by rensrenegade - art by 3moartist and Palliris
- Summary: When Butters, Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Karen and Carol McCormick find themselves in a room fit for horror and gore films with nothing but a television screen, they have no clue what to expect. Unbeknownst to them, Kenny is in the adjacent room with nothing but a letter containing the means to their survival and escape. Their lives are in his hands, and in six gruesome trials his mind, body, and heart are all tested as well as his strength. While they are left to watch his acts to save them, his friends and family are quick to realize he is in as much danger as they are. They also can't help but question his will and ability to save them, and, more importantly, who is behind their torment.
- Beta: fallingwthstyle
- Pairing(s): Mentioned/implied Stan/Kyle, Kenny/Butters
- Character(s): Kenny, Butters, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Carol McCormick, Karen McCormick
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Graphic/explicit violence, implied violence, explicit content, character death
- Flirting with Disaster
- by Sakata, with contributions from Mary - art by Cobaye, Nhaingen, and v4nilah
- Summary: Mysterion and Professor Chaos are rivals. Kenny and Butters are lovers. Sometimes when boundaries get blurred, it's a wild encounter. Sometimes it ends very badly.
- Summary: Beta: SekritOMG
- Pairing(s): Kenny/Butters
- Character(s): Kenny, Butters
- Rating: NC-17 / M
- Warnings: Explicit sex, mild bondage/roleplay, graphic violence and blood, character death
- Membrain
- by fallingwthstyle - art by Burnawayy, kennymcshamrock, Marie, and Anonymous
- Summary: Stan is a handful of months from his 30th birthday, and hates his life and being an adult. Once a year he gets away from it and reconnects with the one thing he still has left of his childhood, the only time in his life when things made sense: Kyle. And even that connection is fading away. He would give anything to go back to those simpler days, fix a few mistakes they both made along the way, and most of all relive it and pay more attention this time. One strange night, he gets the chance to.
- Beta: howtodisappearcompletely
- Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, Tweek, Craig, Butters, Sheila, Ike
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Drug use, three "off-screen" character deaths
- No One Ever Talks About Global Freezing
- by Mookie - art by derscroot, Marskels, and neavvs
- Summary: When Kenny McCormick's family wins an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii, he befriends Leopold, an easy-going employee at the resort; obsesses over a soft-spoken dancer to whom Leopold may or may not be related; and gets a brief taste of what it would be like to have a normal family. Returning to South Park means going back to the way things were, until a new kid moves to town and Kenny learns a few things about his island crush, his brother, and the universe. Except not really the universe.
- Beta: Natea
- Pairing(s): Butters/Kenny; Butters/Tweek, various other pairings
- Character(s): Butters, Kenny, Tweek, Kevin McCormick
- Rating: NC-17 / M
- Warnings: Graphic/explicit m/m sex; some underage drinking/drug use
- On the Brink
- by Anonymous - art by CP, Kayotics, paramécie, and synnesai
- Summary: Pangea-style AU. Our story begins one hundred years after the end of the Orperfi war and the ban on violence, and humanity has come to a standstill, unable to progress or grow from its mistakes. But what exactly is Cartman Corp hiding? Stan and Kyle search far and wide for answers, finding the help of others along the way. Their methods up until this point are varied, but their end goal is the same; take down Cartman Corp.
- Beta: Shannon
- Pairing(s): Stan/Kyle, Kenny/Wendy
- Character(s): Stan, Kyle, Wendy, Bebe, Kenny, Butters, Eric, Damien, Satan, Clyde, Craig, Token, Ike, Tweek
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Violence, character death, language
- Youngbloods - The Awakening
- by Quartetship - art by amnestart, emeraldtree, Kayotics, and Anonymous
- Summary: Stan — Number Seven — lives a peaceful, predictable life with the eleven other children raised in his facility. When he is injected with an experimental chemical that mutates his DNA and changes his body completely, he believes his life to be over, just like the girl who mysteriously went missing weeks before. But with the help of his cohort and friends, he escapes certain death and vows to help others do the same. This is a story about the gray area between truth and lies, about doing the right thing even if it feels wrong, and about learning to be human even when you're not. This is the beginning — the story of the Youngbloods.
- Beta: A. Brown, T. Barker
- Pairing(s): Kevin/Red, Clyde/Bebe, Token/Nicole
- Character(s): Majority of main child characters, plus various adults
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Violence (graphic), mentions of violence (non graphic)