South Park Reverse Mini-Bang 2012 Fanfics

- Air to Breathe
- by Kelly (theshadowswhisper) - inspired by original art from nhaingen
- Summary: On an alien planet, Kyle must rescue his best friend, or leave him behind forever.
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Violence, gore. swearing, angst
- See the original art here!
- Attack
- by Lucy Sinclare - inspired by original art from NoWhere
- Summary: I tried telling my parents. But all they did was laugh, give me my thermos, and send me to school. I went and told my best friends- and they didn't believe me at first. I guess I couldn't really blame them- I don't have the best track record. But then as if out of no where- the damn things just came up out of the ground and started eating people! The plan was to get to city hall and see what was up. And if there wasn't anything worth while- we'd skip town. So that's where we were going now- but it didn't look like we were going to make it.
- Pairings: Craig/Tweek
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Blood and Violence, language.
- See the original art here!
- Bald Mountain
- by shannanananana - inspired by original art from Sugapieissofly
- Summary: "Let's go driving up the mountain," they said. "It will be fun," they said.
- Beta: julads
- Pairings: mentions of Cartman/Wendy, hints of one-sided Stan/Kyle
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Language.
- See the original art here!
- Biggest Frog in the Puddle
- by Jizena - inspired by original art from Sifl-senpai
- Summary: To be the "biggest frog in the puddle" is to be the strongest among one's peers. That's probably what Cartman wants, but Stan knows that there's more to him, linked to something Cartman buried months ago. And it takes one small animal to teach both boys a lesson in compassion, letting go, and growing up.
- Beta: Rosie Denn
- Charaters: Stan, Cartman
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: minor, childish violence, some language
- See the original art here!
- Boom Goes the Dynamite
- by Villain - inspired by original art from Mina
- Summary: Cartman makes a deal with the devil. For Kyle's soul.
- Pairing: Cartman/Kyle
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Violence and sexual content (including dubious consent)
- See the original art here!
- Carry Me Home Tonight
- by Villain - inspired by original art from Zteif
- Summary: Kyle sees something he isn't supposed to and may indirectly be responsible for Tweek's kidnapping.
- Pairing: Stan/Kyle, Craig/Tweek
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Drug references and violence
- See the original art here!
- Candles for Cuddles
- by Rosie Denn - inspired by original art from Salmagundi
- Summary: It's hard to lose someone, even when that someone is a loyal pet hamster minion of chaos.
- Characters: Butters, Dougie, Hamster minions
- Rating: PG / K+
- See the original art here!
- Counterpoint
- by Zervais - inspired by original art from Gothichamlet
- Summary: Christophe couldn't handle it.
- Pairing: Gregory & Christophe
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Swearing, violence, mild gore.
- See the original art here!
- Creeping Normalcy
- by X - inspired by original art from sketchersocks
- Summary: Butters takes his first step in a new direction without really thinking about where he's going.
- Characters: Butters, Cartman
- Beta: highonangelwings
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warning: A few of Cartman's typical racist/homophobic remarks, but nothing other than that.
- See the original art here!
- The Definition of Insanity
- by X - inspired by original art from NoWhere
- Summary: Tweek inadvertently starts a new trend and triggers a bloody war. Craig inadvertently saves the day.
- Characters: Craig, Tweek, Token, Clyde
- Beta: highonangelwings
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warning: Violence
- See the original art here!
- Don't Go Out
- by Lucy Sinclare - inspired by original art from James Everette
- Summary: Fate or coincidence. A question that's plagued people for centuries. I'm not quite sure myself what it could be. I like to think it's coincidence. But when things in your life become so- important- it's hard to imagine fate not being the answer. Even though I don't believe it, I think fate explains everything right now.Because I can't explain any other way why I was standing in the middle of the small forest by Stark's Pond, talking to a classmate who was about to kill himself.
- Summary: Characters: Craig, Tweek
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Language and talks of Suicide
- See the original art here!
- Expecting the Unexpected
- by Keeeks - inspired by original art from arvyyuula
- Summary: In which Kyle is the one that gets girls, Stan is a pussy, and Kenny dies.
- Pairing: Stan/Kyle, Kenny/Wendy
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Cursing, mild innuendo, terrible jokes
- See the original art here!
- First Anniversary
- by TexasCutie93 - inspired by original art from Keessa
- Summary: Butters and Kenny have been dating for a year. How will their first anniversary go?
- Beta: Anonymous
- Pairings: Butters/Kenny
- Rating: PG / K+
- Warnings: Slash! and Fluff!
- See the original art here!
- Fold
- by Effingbirds - inspired by original art from birdteeth
- Summary: When the going gets tough, the tough go walkies.
- Pairing: Stan/Kyle-ish
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- See the original art here!
- Inconsequential Pieces
- by lizoftheinfinite - inspired by original art from Noxicosis
- Summary: In no version of reality were Stan and Kyle meant to last forever.
- Pairing: Stan/Kyle
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- See the original art here!
- Inflated
- by Labyrinth1n3 - inspired by original art from sketchersocks
- Summary: While attempting to enact revenge on his favorite Jewish nemesis, Cartman stumbles upon Kyle's new pattern of disappearances that he nor any of his closest friends can account for. By working together, they all try to get to the bottom of Kyle's strange behavior!
- Beta: PrincessBelle212
- Pairing: one-side Cartman/Kyle, hinted Stan/Kyle
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Stalker-like Behavior, Moderate Sexual Themes
- See the original art here!
- The Long Kiss Goodnight
- by formerdinosaur - inspired by original art from nhaingen
- Summary: Two thousand years later, Kyle is still trying to leave South Park, and Stan is along for the ride.
- Beta: julads
- Pairing: Stan/Kyle
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Character death
- See the original art here!
- A Loss of Hope
- by Druekee - inspired by original art from nona
- Summary: Tweek came as soon as he heard about what happened. His heart racing in his chest, Tweek ran down the street with an emergency medical kit thumping in sync with his panting against his thighs. What he had heard about was brutally terrifying.
- Beta: Leo
- Characters: Craig, Tweek
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Blood, Child Abuse
- See the original art here!
- Louder Than Words
- by Villain - inspired by original art from Demon
- Summary: Kyle has a rule: No saying "I love you" until they've been together for four months. With their anniversary right around the corner, Kenny can't wait to hear Kyle profess his love.
- Pairing: Kenny/Kyle
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Sexual content and brief violence
- See the original art here!
- The New Resistance Sinks Its Illegal Claws
- by ceirrin - inspired by original art from Hausinge
- Summary: The New Resistance is up and running, and Stan Marsh is trying very hard to avoid it. However, that's kind of difficult when his best friend keeps volunteering for the cause. Now Stan's been suckered into a road trip from hell, serving an organization while desperately trying to escape its snare.
- Betas: lizoftheinfinite, Miaou Jones
- Characters: Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Wendy Testaburger, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Craig Tucker, Jimmy Valmer
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Mention of violence, non-explicit? Coarse language, too
- See the original art here!
- Of Steel
- by deettreat - inspired by original art from Scone
- Summary: Your name is Ike Broflovski and you have trouble making friends. Since your older brother left for college, you've been determined to prove that you can make it through high school on your own. But after a daring rescue and a lunch period filled with illicit activities, you learn maybe you're not the only kid pretending not to be lonely.
- Pairings: Ike/Georgie, implied Ruby/Clyde
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- See the original art here!
- Once in a Blue Moon
- by imsosrsly - inspired by original art from Zteif
- Summary: What's a South Park high school homecoming without a little drama? Stan certainly doesn't care much for it, but Craig is determined to make sure this year's spirit week ends with something no one will ever forget.
- Betas: faded-smiles & hhhhammy
- Pairing: very light Stan/Kyle, and only if you squint to see it
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warning: lots of coarse language
- Notes: Many thanks to my betas and everyone else at RelaxGuy for being so supportive while I was writing this! You guys are all amazing. Special thanks to Zteif, whose beautiful artwork I had the honor and pleasure of putting to words. And thank you, reader! I hope you enjoy it~
- See the original art here!
- On the Rocks
- by tmcala - inspired by original art from Joxem
- Summary: Kenny knows that there's a difference between the world being shitty and the world being total shit. Kenny knows that the difference is Stan and Kyle. Kenny doesn't know much else.
- Beta: Numbuh Phenon
- Characters: Kenny McCormick, Stan Marsh, and Kyle Broflovski
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warning: Swearing, Implied violence
- See the original art here!
- Placebo Effect
- by domofo - inspired by original art from Sugapieissofly
- Summary: Kyle doesn't know how to cope with Eric Cartman's death. Kenny wants to give Craig blowjobs.
- Beta: Genis Aurion
- Pairings: Stan/Kyle (heavily implied), Craig/Kenny
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: character death (before the fic takes place)
- See the original art here!
- Red Roses and Rum
- by Zombielimeade - inspired by original art from Jude
- Summary: Tweek never liked Valentine's Day. The commercial exchange of gifts and flowers seemed pointless and a waste of effort. This year was no different—well, no. This year held the worst bloody Valentine's day, very literally.
- Pairing: Craig/Tweek
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: gore and a few f-bombs
- See the original art here!
- Rerooted
- by julads - inspired by original art from arvyyuula
- Summary: To Stan, Evergreen has never felt like home the way South Park does, where he has friends like Kyle.
- Beta: Hollycomb
- Pairings: Stan/Kyle
- Rating: R / M
- See the original art here!
- Shadow Wings and the Existential Zombie
- by Miaou Jones - inspired by original art from Marskels
- Summary: "Oh," Stan says. "So you didn't, like, die? In the alleyway behind Skeeter's?" He looks over and, when their eyes meet, the beginning of a smile fades off Kenny's mouth.
- Beta: w0rmsign
- Characters: Stan, Kenny
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- See the original art here!
- Shallow
- by Extra - inspired by original art from Trevor
- Summary: "I don't have any friends, I don't need any. M'too smart for it." Filmore looks down to his feet. "Your glasses are still on the ground," he says, pointing. Ike shrugs. "Don't really need those, either." A different interpretation of the younger Broflovski sibling.
- Pairing: slight Ike/Filmore
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Just a little bit of bad language, and some light violence
- See the original art here!
- Scarlett O'Hara's Coffee Cantata
- by SekritOMG - inspired by original art from Noxicosis
- Summary: Kyle dreams of being human.
- Beta: Nhaingen
- Pairing: Stan/Kyle
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Horse dick
- See the original art here!
- Untitled
- by CCW - inspired by original art from NXX
- Summary: During a time of Glitter Rock in the seventies a group of friends use drugs to occasionally avoid their sad, sad lives.
- Characters: Tweek, Wendy, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Eric and Butters
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: Language, a fair bit of drug use
- See the original art here!
- With a Little Help From My Friends
- by Margaret Delancy - inspired by original art from Sifl-senpai
- Summary: When Stan's depression takes a turn for the worse, Cartman is there to set him back on the straight and narrow.
- Beta: w0rmsign
- Characters: Stan and Cartman
- Rating: PG / K+
- Warnings: Naughty language abound, and violence directed at an animal.
- See the original art here!
- Worst Christmas Ever
- by formerdinosaur - inspired by original art from nhaingen
- Summary: Stan loses his arm and his boyfriend just before the holidays.
- Beta: julads
- Pairing: Stan/Kyle
- Rating: R / M
- Warnings: Character death
- See the original art here!
- Wrong
- by ButtersBottomB - inspired by original art from numa
- Summary: There are couples who belong together, never fight with one another, would never hurt each other. There are couples whose relationship is based wholly on love. And then there are couples whose relationship is based wholly on death.
- Pairings: Craig/Kenny, some Kenny/Butters
- Rating: NC-17 / MA
- Warnings: Language, Sex, Violence, Death, Rape
- See the original art here!
- The Wrong Tucker
- by wildcannabis - inspired by original art from numa
- Summary: When Kenny McCormick accidentally becomes involved with one of the Tucker siblings, he doesn't realize how that affects his relationship with the other.
- Pairings: Kenny/Ruby Tucker; one-sided Craig/Kenny
- Rating: PG-13 / T
- Warnings: coarse language, mild illegal activity, and mild sexual situations
- See the original art here!